Taidehalli TR1

tampere, finland
11 May– 4 August 2013



The exhibition Out to Sea? The Plastic Garbage Project is a thorough overview of the global waste problem and the influence of plastics on our environment, animals and humans. Plastic as a material is involved in many functions of our daily life, affecting the lives of all people across the planet. Therefore, it was important to have the exhibition also in Finland. We must become aware of the problems caused by plastic and realise how we can can bring solutions to these through our actions and choices. We believe the exhibition gives information to people, as well as practical ideas for reducing the amount of plastic waste.

Finnish people are fond of nature and interested in their environment, and we therefore believe the exhibition will draw the attention of the public. Marine pollution is of special importance to Finland, since the Baltic Sea is one of the most heavily polluted seas in the world.

The exhibition in Tampere puts emphasis on the specific problems of the Baltic Sea, for example in the context of our cooperation with theBaltic Sea Action Group. We believe it is important to organise an exhibition on marine pollution in an inland city, for a major part of marine debris comes from inland water catchment areas.
In Finland, consumers are interested in recycling plastic, which can be observed in high recycling rates. In plastic beverage containers, the Finnish 94% recycling rate is top class worldwide. A large proportion of the plastic waste collected in Finland ends up as fuel for energy production. We also have companies in our country that use recycled plastic in product manufacturing, but unfortunately a large part of the plastic waste collected in Finland is still dumped in refuse tips.
TR1 Kunsthalle is happy to have the opportunity to organise the Out to Sea? exhibition this very year when environmental issues are in a key position in the new strategy of the City of Tampere, now under preparation. Solutions to environmental issues has been taken as a central goal in the City of Tampere mayor's programme 2013-2016 and the City of Tampere Environmental Policy 2020 – . Due to the exhibition schedule we are also able to take part in the Green Week (2.-9.6.2013) programme, organised in Tampere every spring, and we offer the public free entrance to the exhibition on World Environment Day, June 5th 2013. This year's theme for the international event is Think, Eat and Save. All of these three are also related to our personal attitude towards plastic as a material.

«Out to Sea?» is a globally importantandtopical exhibition concept.  Environmental issues are theme of the year for the City of Tampere in 2013.
Virpi Nikkari, Chief Curator Tampereen taidemuseo/ TR1 Taidehalli