National Taiwan Science Education Center

Taipei, Taiwan
20 April – 9 June 2019



The rapid production of man-made materials enhances the convenience of our daily lives. On the other hand, it also changes the relationship between human beings and the natural environment.

Imagine when our home will be covered and eroded by plastic products in 2050, the home of marine life is full of waste. If you and my home will become like this, how should we deal with it?

National Taiwan Science Education Center (NTSEC) has introduced the "OUT TO SEA?" exhibition from Museum of Design, Zürich in Switzerland. This exhibition is a travelling exhibition developed by the Museum für Gestaltung Zurich, which is a leading design and visual communication museum in Switzerland. The exhibition has been travelled to many museums in Germany, Finland, Denmark, Belgium and Sweden, and has received wide publicity with very good comments. There is also a part of the exhibition present the related subject in Taiwan, named "Ocean! My Home".

This special exhibition explores the global issue of sea waste from scientific perspective. It invites the public to look at the evolution of marine garbage pollution hence also review one’s own daily habits.

The ocean is the mother of all creatures, not the huge garbage dumping site of human beings. For the survival and welfare of all lives, the courageous and positive thinking and action is needed in our generation!